We’re no stranger to the benefits of internship opportunities for people stepping into the tech ecosystem, but young entrepreneur and Zersent co-founder, Aniket Bhatt, took his opportunity for education and instead, chose innovation. During a summer internship at a large, multinational law firm, Bhatt recognized the need for tools and frameworks to help develop and communicate ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) plans for the many companies that were pro-sustainability but struggling to efficiently move in that direction. This realization sparked the creation of Zersent, a one-stop-shop platform that allows organizations to commit, communicate, and celebrate their ESG plans efficiently and effectively.
Having been involved and invested in renewable energy previous to the September 2021 launch of Zersent, Bhatt set his objective to make businesses interested in the care of our environment, with a goal to build Zersent at a cost that could allow access to anyone, being less than $1 per employee per month. This affordable access allows any company of any size to actively pursue and participate in creating a better environment, both in our world and socially within their teams. With the ability to mold and modify what the platform provides to fit each company individually, Zersent allows for an open, honest, and positive path towards creating a better environment for all.
The Zersent website works with you to go through your business goals. After going through a simple assessment of identities, initial starting point, and eventual goals, the next step is to break those down into unique features within Zersent to start rebuilding a better plan for ESG. For example, within the platform, organizations can build and create diversity and inclusion surveys automatically to send to employees, management, or even a board of directors that will ask company culture questions, inclusion assumptions, and more. Based on the responses, Zersent then automatically creates a next steps guide of actionable items to improve your diversity and inclusion policy. This even includes templates of policies that are suggested to be implemented and can be customized and integrated to report progress to external stakeholders, employees, and more.
The Zersent platform includes a myriad of customizable ESG implementation tools, including steps on how to proudly share your ESG commitments with consumers, allowing businesses to cultivate the best possible version of themselves with the click of a button. With good people like Aniket Bhatt behind good innovations like Zersent, the practices for people committing themselves and their businesses to bettering and becoming sustainable become easier and more attractive. With their good-people, good-practices mindset, Zersent recently became the deserving winner of TechAlliance’s London Innovation Challenge One: Reimagining Systems for People. This win provided Zersent and 5 other do-good companies with $20k in funding to advance their innovation and contribute to London’s economic recovery, allowing for a continued focus on inclusivity, sustainability, and equity.
“We still have the same mission going forward,” says Bhatt, “The London Innovation Challenge allowed us to start a lot of new projects, including creating education programs like a podcast and webinar series to help break down the understanding and utilization of adequate ESG plans”. With their impressive growth and activism attitude, Zersent has plentiful opportunities knocking at their door, and so will all of the businesses that utilize the platform to create a healthier planet, a better work environment, and a precedent for transparency and accountability.
To start your ESG journey and achieve sustainability with ease, visit www.zersent.com.